How much do you know about Shakespeare

This is a quiz to test your knowledge on Shakespeare, Duh. now there is nothing else to say but to take up the remaining characters this program thinks i should use.

Okay you think you are smart do ya. well this quiz will tell you if you are or not. that is why you came right. O you came because you are burning time. well i hope in your "burning time" you will learn something!

Created by: catslover16
  1. What is his wife's name?
  2. How many Kids did he have?
  3. Name which play the quote is from, "The sweet youth is in love"?
  4. What Is "To be or not to be" from?
  5. Whats his first name?
  6. When was he born?
  7. Which play did he name after his son?
  8. Which Character is not in The Taming of the Shew?
  9. How old was his son when his son died?
  10. Last question did you like this Quiz

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about Shakespeare