How much do you know about "scrubs"

I know most people have heard about the show Scrubs. Have you? Do you like this show? Well then this is the test for you! Go ahead, try your luck, do your best though because this test can be hard!!

Time to test your skill! How much do YOU know about the show Scrubs? A lot, or a little? Do you watch this show? Then please take this test! Good luck!

Created by: Nate Elmore
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is J.D.'s last name?
  2. What is Turk's first name?
  3. Who said the quote "Ketchup is for winners Ted."?
  4. Surgeons wear what color scrubs?
  5. What is Turk's dog's name?
  6. In the episode where J.D. loses all his hair, how does he lose all his hair?
  7. What does Kelso call Turk?
  8. Is this your favorite question?
  9. What job does Todd have?
  10. Do you think Elliot is a slut?

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about "scrubs"