How much do you know about MINIONS?

How much do you know about Minions is mainly testing you on the movie The minions.Sorry if alot of you get 0% when you know alot about it because it is my first quiz and I didn't know where the slider to change the points was.

If you could help it would be appreciated.If you could help please tell me in the comments hopefully my next one will be alot better. Thank you for taking my quiz and I hope you enjoy it.If you have any comments please put them in the comments on the next page.If they are rude or nasty comments please just keep them to yourself beacuse I don't want to read any nasty comments and I don't think anyone else wants to either.So please,only good comments.

Created by: Kimberly
  1. What is a Minions favorite food?
  2. Who is the evil villian that the minions get as their new boss when they try to steal the queen's crown?
  3. Do the minions give the crown to Scarlet Overkill?
  4. Who is Scarlet Overkill's Husband
  5. What are The Minions names?
  6. Who becomes knighted at the events after stopping Scarlet Overkill?
  7. Did they try to have A dinosoar as their leader?
  8. Who does Bob miss the most?
  9. How long was Bob king for?
  10. Does Stewart get so hungry he thinks Bob and Kevin are bananas?

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about MINIONS?