how much do you know about JUSTIN BIEBER

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do u know all thire is to know about rnb signer justin bieber you can find out in 10 simple question but dont fool your self and cheat just ansew truefully

ARE YOU A GRNIUS ABOU JUSTI BIEBER Until now you could only wonder. But thanks to this great quiz, in just a few minutes you will find out!"

Created by: mizzbieber
  1. what is justin biebers middle name
  2. how old is justin bieber
  3. what is his best friend name ..
  4. what is JBs mums name (if you dnt know what JB stands for dnt take the quizz )
  5. what are jbs fav colours
  6. what was JBs first song
  7. when was JB born
  8. what are his favs food
  9. what does he look for in a girl
  10. who was his latest girlfriend

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about JUSTIN BIEBER