How much do you know about Howrse?

There are many different Howrsers. Those that know everything and everyone, those that know quite a bit, and those that don't know much at all. Everyone is different.

How much do YOU know about Howrse? Can you recite the years that Howrse has been active in 5 seconds flat? Can you say who has been in the top three rankings for the past week? Find out how much you REALLY know about Howrse!

Created by: Firewall
  1. Which one of these is a moderator's name?
  2. Which one of these is the currency of the game?
  3. You can make an affix after...
  4. If you don't have a Pegasus account, you can make how many breeding farms?
  5. BMI is short for...
  6. The passes are...
  7. What does a Medusa's Blood do?
  8. A Zeus' Lightning Bolt changes your horse's....
  9. You can only make an equestrian center after...
  10. The Creation Space is...

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about Howrse?