How much do you know about Harry Potter?

Hundreds of people have seen the movies and read the books.....but how many of you have actually read the books? The world of Harry Potter is complex and not many have figured it out...but if you have this is is the quiz to take

Are YOU a Harry Potter genius? Do you have the Harry Potter knowledge to qualify for the prestigious title? Until now you can only wonder. But thanks to this great quiz in just a few minutes you will find out!

Created by: Sloan
  1. Who is the DADA teacher in The Deathly Hollows
  2. What Aunt does Ron often refer to?
  3. What number us the Dursley's house?
  4. Who is the Captain of the quidditch team in The Order of The Pheonix?
  5. Who is the divination teach in The Half Blood Prince?
  6. Who kills Sirius?
  7. How was Sirius related to Narcissa Malfoy?
  8. Who's side was Snape on?
  9. Who is Scabbers?
  10. In the Goblet of Fire, when Voldemort says Avada Kedavra and Harry says expeliarmus why does harry not die?

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about Harry Potter?