How much do you know about harry potter

This Quiz is VERY acurate!!!!!!!!!!!! Dude, you are like totally NOT gonna nail this test! Oh sooooooo you think you so step on up my child and your dreams will become an awesome reality!

Yahhhhh sooo pretty much the same as the ol' other paragraph....... we're just trying to fill space here sooooooo yeah almost enough!!!!yah for our quiz !

Created by: ???? and !!!!
  1. What were the names of Harry's parents?
  2. What's up with Harry's wand?????.....fool!
  3. How does Hedwig die?
  4. How many chins does Dudley (the fat kid) have?
  5. Who kills Bellatrix LeStrange?
  6. What is a horcrux?
  7. What does Neville Longbottom grow up to be?
  8. Who is the Half Blood Prince?
  9. Who is Teddy?
  10. What does Harry use to breathe underwater in the Goblet Of Fire?
  11. Do Wizards have Bowels?

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about harry potter