How much do you know about computer?

I created this quiz only to test that you are very good in computer or not. If you get low marks its OK. But study the IT well OK.So take this quiz again after studying the IT.

I am Henas.k.Siraj. I know very well about IT because I love that subject very much. those who comes to this quiz please contact me if any trouble log on to the help in gotoquiz.

Created by: Henas.k.Siraj
  1. What is the full form of IBM?
  2. In which year was the ENIAC developed?
  3. Click three countries which use Abacus as there calculating system
  4. Who is the father of the computer?
  5. The computer is derived from the term___________
  6. All chips that reside on motherboard are known as _____________
  7. Tablet PC is a kind of _________ computer.
  8. A modern computer have at least up to _________ softwares
  9. Mini computers was originated in _________ year
  10. One example for open source program is ________

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about computer?