How much do you know about Adele

We were motivated to make this quiz because we are major fans and we sing Adele's songs everyday like right now. You can be expected to answer the right answer the right answer to get a 100%

hi whats up don't answer me back please I'm just bored!!!! Do you know a lot about Adele well we will find out wont we! Good luck and Remember if you score always try again.

Created by: Maddie and Tay
  1. How old is Adele?
  2. How many albums does Adele have?
  3. Do you think that Adele is ugly or pretty?
  4. What is the top fave Adele song on iTunes?
  5. does Adele have any pets?
  6. Does Adele have any siblings?
  7. What is Adele's fave color
  8. What is Adele's fave food?
  9. True or False: Did Adele graduate from Brit schools in England?
  10. blaaaaaah
  11. Does Adele have a boyfriend or husband?
  12. What is Adele's last name?

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about Adele