How much are you like me

Hello, I only did this for fun.(Okay, i got bored)So are you ready to find out if you are are like me? I don't really get why we have to make this paragraph.

Hello, I only did this for fun.( Okay i got bored) So are you ready to find out if you are like me. I don't really get why we have to make the paragraph. (results may vary)Please leave in the comments ideas for new quizes

Created by: Zeldafan901

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Do you like music?
  2. How much time do you spend on the computer?
  3. Do you like school
  4. Do you get hit by a lot of stuff?
  5. Do you play sports?
  6. How much are you teased by your brothers? (by percentage)
  7. What is you birth date?
  8. Which book series do you like the most?
  9. Are you racist?
  10. Do you like writing?
  11. Are you a Christian?

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Quiz topic: How much am I like me