How Much Are You Like Jocelyn?

This is a quiz all about Jocelyn. Take this quiz and see how much you know about her and how much you are like her. She is very awesome and if you are like her you are totally awesome too.

This is a pargraph that we need to fill up without directly mentioning the amount of characters that we need to fill it up are we there yet, yup, I think so!

Created by: Thalia
  1. What food do you like best?
  2. Are you...?
  3. What is your favorite color combination?
  4. Would you rather...?
  5. What's your favorite animal?
  6. What's your favorite book?
  7. What is your least favorite chore?
  8. Which job would you like?
  9. Your favorite thing to do when hanging out with friends
  10. How old should a kid be when they get a cell phone

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Quiz topic: How Much am I Like Jocelyn?