How Modern Are You?

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There are plenty of brilliant people, some that know all about the world of today, some that dont. What is the world of today about; its the gadgets, electronics and how you spend your time.

Do you know everything about the gadgets, electronics and how kool people spend their time? Take this simple quiz to find out how well you really know the real world of today.

Created by: Hannah
  1. How Long Do You Spend Online?
  2. Do You Spend More Time Talking On The Phone Or Texting?
  3. Have A Cell Phone?
  4. Do You Text A Lot?
  5. Do You Read A Lot?
  6. How Do You Feel About School?
  7. Would You Rather.......
  8. IPODS Are.......
  9. Do You Know What "TTYL" Means?
  10. How Many CD's Do You Own?

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Quiz topic: How Modern am I?