how messed up are you?

think that guy is normal well guess again. HE'S NOT. thats right he's messed up so bad he sings to chickens. but now your wondering...... i sing to my cats. am i messed up. well we'll see to that you find out.

are you messed up. who knows. take my test to see if you are not messed up or if you are so messed up that you shouldn't even be using the computer. your parents should just lock you in the closet and feed you through a hole.

Created by: screec
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. do you run around like and idiot just for the hell of it.
  2. long sticks mean?
  3. you see a pot of gold do you
  4. hey monkey get funky
  5. does you bike have spinning wheels and clickidy clackers
  6. does your locker sing when you open it
  7. do you know all of weird al's song by heart
  8. pens mean
  9. do you make funny nosies with your mouth
  10. do you make funny nosies with other parts of your body

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Quiz topic: How messed up am I?