How Likeable Are You? | Comments

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  • 80% likable

    it says my flaw is people are forced to like me or i get mean. and i always get my way but in my opinion if sombody else wants to do somthing i ussually give it to them

  • You Are 65% Likeable

    You are semi-likeable. You are mostly nice to others, but your mouth sometimes runs off and your foes are offended. Really, you are kinda nice.

    Phoenix Night
  • You Are 83% Likeable

    You are VERY likeable. You have this inner nature that people HAVE TO like or you turn mean. That's your flaw. You like to have your own way and rarely listen to others.

    Wow. But that's okay! :D I liked your quiz. 10/10

  • 58% wich sounds about right for me :) cool quiz :D

  • I got 73%

  • I am semi-likeable thx 4 helping with my self-esteem btw i got a 58%

  • 60%... nice quiz! and i want to clamb a tree that high but i cant find any in my place... lol

  • 59% :( I guess thats true since I'm kinda a 'lone wolf' ya know? My best friends are 2 girls and a boy :/

    I'm very impulsive so i tend to say things without meaning to but I suppose that comes with red hair and green eyes...I'm kinda crazy too ;P

  • 73% it said i am VERY likable XD

  • 55% hmm...

  • im 86% likeable: I LIKE THIS!!!!! lol /\/ / /\/ _/ /\

  • niiiiice 75% likeable :)

    Mysterious Fox
  • Thank you :)

  • i took your story quiz: it was very long and enjoyable XD

  • @Fire_Fairy they're newish. One part of Apollo's Curse would either be on the bottom of the first page or on the second page. And I hate worms!! I use to be able to pick them up and now I just freak out when I see them. I think when I was little I thought they were gonna like attack me or something lol (yeah, I'm pretty paranoid) and I think I held a snake once. And now I don't like holding them, but I'll touch them XD

  • @DaughterOfApollo, sure ill take your quizzes. tell me: r they new or old and if old what page are they on? i hate touching snakes ={ theyre all SLIMY and WEIRD! ugh, anyway i dont mind worms, but one time, at this museum, a held a snake. it was slithering up and down my arm and i was OMFG!!! i was totally freaking out lol

  • @Fire_Fairy lmao, I was laughing when I read that cause I could soooo totally see me doing that one day XD Oh, and can you please take my quiz series? One's called "The Lightning Girl" and the other is called "Apollo's Curse". And one time when I was like 6, me and my brother were playing in my backyard, (he would've been 7). And then we see this snake stuck in the ground and we thought that it wasn't stuck so we were trying to get it to move by throwing stuff at it. We eventually figured out that it was stuck in a hole and after we touched it (yes, I touched it. I touched it's belly and it was all bumpy), my brother got a stick and lifted it out of the ground. And then the snake went away :)

  • @DaughterOfApollo OMG i no rite. one time there was a snake next to my rose bush and then my grandmother came along. She was like 'whats this piece of string'? she picked up the "string" and was like 'is this a shoelace'? the snake kept hissing, but my grandma didn't care. she didnt hear it. u shouldve seen my face. i was like WTF! of course when my mother saw the snake she screamed bloody heck. then my grandmother finally put it down, still not getting that it was a freaking snake. THAT WAS SOOOO HORRIBLE!!!!!

  • @Fire_Fairy haha I can only imagine :P and yeah, my garage door is never locked either, but I just don't like using that door to get inside of my garage. I has a bunch of spiders and spider webs and I HATE spiders. Which reminds me, yesterday there was a spider in my room and I didn't wanna hit it with a shoe because I didn't wanna get to close to it so I started throwing stuff at it. I kept on missing and hitting it right in front of the spider because it was in that place in-between the ceiling and the wall. So I started flinging hair-ties at it. I hit it on like my 4th try and I killed it. It landed in a shoe and I freaked out. (the shoe wasn't on me, I was a good 6 feet away from it). So then I started looking for the body by moving stuff around with a hanger and then my little sister decided that it would be funny to throw a black hair-tie in front of my face. I screamed and ran to the opposite side of my room and then repeatedly yell at my sister "Don't do that!! I hate you!!" she got it on video on her phone too. But she scared me twice and she only got the second scream on video XD I guess it was pretty funny and wow this is a long messae :P

  • @DaughterOfApollo

    Lol, one time, the front door was locked so i had to sneak in the garage door (luckily, that is always unlocked) and the alarm went off. That wasnt a fun day.....

  • @Fire_Fairy yeah, and one time it just got done raining so the ground was kinda muddy and wet. And I had to throw my book bag over my fence (it's a wooden one and if I stretch my arms up I can touch the top of it and I'm like 5'4") and it took me like 6 times just to get it over. And it landed in mud and some of the dried up mud is still on it :P

  • @DaughterOfApollo

    You forget your house key? Lol, that sounds kind of familiar ;}

  • @Fire_Fairy yeah, I get it. I used to climb trees in my backyard and climb my fence when I forgot my house key. I was just wondering lol

  • i got 75% and lol thats funny cuz there is one tree in my backyard and once i measured how high i went and it was 19 ft high so lol (^o^)

  • @DaughterOfApollo

    I put in the tree question to test your confidence. You might think that its silly to climb trees so you are not too confident and no one likes a non-confident person if you no what i mean


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