How Jon Snew are you

Once, our lord and saviour Jon Snew came to whatever planet to care for the albino direwolves. But someone didn't like him so called him names like Jon Snow! So he said "i'm Jon Snew" and the person was like "Oh not i'm defeated now" so he died and Jon Snew said "HA in your FACE".

Donate me £100000 for funds for our lord and saviour Jon Snew. Jon Snew! Jon Snew! Jon Snew, our lord and saviour! And the albino direwolf known as Ghost!

Created by: LokiCat
  1. Wat is your direwolf called
  2. Wat is your last name
  3. Wat is your job
  4. Do you like a wildling who told you that you know nothing
  5. Were you shooted wiv arrows
  6. is your direwolf an albino
  7. Winter is...
  8. Jon Snew!
  9. Are you alive
  10. i'm not ded.
  11. Byee

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Quiz topic: How Jon Snew am I