How insane are you?

We are all a bit insane. You, me, the next door neighbour. But how insane are we really. I created this test to find out. Wouldn't you like to know how insane you are?

Are you afraight of the truth? Does insanity run in your family or are you a danger to society. Find out in this quiz and don't sue me if you get to know yourself to well.

Created by: Dacaru
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You wake up and find a banana in your but, what do you do.
  2. Do you want to join me on a quest to find the holy dildo?
  3. You have a job intervieuw. What do you do to make sure you get your job.
  4. How are you?
  5. There is a creapy person following you down the street. What do you do?
  6. There was a robbery in your street. What do you say when the cops ask you who did it.
  7. Last night you had 3 men in top of you. Why was this.
  8. If you lost a leg why would that be.
  9. Was fuzzy wuzzy a woman?
  10. Question?

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Quiz topic: How insane am I?