How Idiotic are you

This quiz will tell you if you are a Idiotic person or not.Your answers may not have a match with your real personallity. Try again if it doesn't. WARNING: This is nor meant to offense someone. Instaed think of it as a life helper.

Be Smart, Be Awesome, Be...... IDIOTIC.Do you wonder what your friend think of you? Take the Idiotic quiz to see what your friends think of you. WARNING: This is not to Offinse you. Just Take this quiz to help you improve.

Created by: Sky

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Did/Do you like school?
  2. My Grades are/were:
  3. Did/Do you Listen to Teachers:
  4. Do you think your a Idiot
  5. What do you desrcibe your friends?
  6. When did you start school?
  7. Are/were you a bully?
  8. Are you desriced:
  9. Did/Do people pick on you
  10. DO you have health things(braces, glasses and etc)

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Quiz topic: How Idiotic am I