How horse smart are you?

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There are many horse owners out there that don't even have all the knowledge needed in caring for a horse! By taking this quiz, you will determine if you need to study up on horses or if your well on your way to being a horse genius!

Are YOU 100% horse smart? Do you know everything needed in caring for a horse? Take this challenging quiz to find out where you stand in just a few minutes!

Created by: Gem
  1. How often should you have the farrier come out to check your horses feet?
  2. What is a horses natural defense mechanism?
  3. How many inches are in a hand & what are hands used to measure?
  4. What is the maximum heighth an equine can be to be considered a pony?
  5. Which is NOT a sign that your horse is unhappy?
  6. A horse is brown with black mane, tail, and legs. What is this called?
  7. At what age is a horse not considered a filly/foal?
  8. What does it mean to have your horses teeth floated?
  9. What is the part of the hoof you do not pick out when cleaning your horses hooves?
  10. Which breed of horse is the most popular in the U.S.?
  11. Which type of horse has a thick neck, large head, and furry coat and is very stout and short usually not much over 14.0H?
  12. Which is the correct order of events?
  13. Which is the suggested amount of horse/riding experience before buying and owning your own horse?
  14. Collar is to dog as ---------- is to horse?
  15. What are the 4 riding styles?

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Quiz topic: How horse smart am I?