How gross are you?

How gross are you learn here from me. An inreliable source of info. Yeah. Ooga booga. Pewdiepie, memulous. Cheese burger. Hamgerbut......45!:;()3;,,;/


Created by: LouFree
  1. Do you wash your hands after the bathroom?
  2. How often do you shower?
  3. Do you close the lid when flushing?
  4. Do you pee in the shower?
  5. How lazy are you?
  6. How dirty is your underwear?
  7. What do you eat with?
  8. How often do you change underwear?
  9. You’re in the cinema. You feel a churning in your stomach. It’s a ginormous fart. What do you do?
  10. Your on a date. You’re eating pasta and drinking Pepsi. Your stomach rumbles violently. It’s a ginormous burp. What do you do?

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Quiz topic: How gross am I?
