How Good Of A Directioner Are You Part 2

Hi, same thing again just different questions. I hope you enjoy. Do you think you really know one direction. This Quiz will test you and you'll find the answer here!

Do Good. Good luck, if like this one I can make more. Several won't be enough to me so I will give you more. Thank you and enjoy. Have fun and love one direction.

Created by: pitbull77

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Who has a birth mark on their neck?
  2. Which member from the band shows them losing their grandma and grandpa in the music video "The Story Of My Life?
  3. Who can't swim in water and/ or has the fear of water?
  4. Which member loves the restaurant "Nandos"?
  5. What is the famous ship name going on between Louis and Harry?
  6. When was Louis born?
  7. When is Harry's Birthday?
  8. What is Liam's Birthday?
  9. Which one of these songs are not One Direction's song.
  10. How many times had Liam's hair Change?
  11. How long is Harry going to grow his hair?
  12. What was their first song with a music video that they came out with during the X-Factor. (2010)
  13. Who do 1d joke around with when they say they are going to replace Zayn?
  14. Who's Kevin?

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Quiz topic: How Good Of A Directioner am I Part 2