how good is your hygine?

every one knows at least one person who smells or is dirty-looking. sometimes, however, there is a person in your life who showers three times a day.

how good is YOUR hygine? are you the stinky person, or are you clean, fresh, and nice to be around? find out here! note: this quiz is not meant to offend anyone.

Created by: sara63
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. how many times do you brush your teeth a day?
  2. how many times a day do you floss?
  3. how often do you shower?
  4. when you need to shower do you know it?
  5. how would you rate your hygine on a scale of 1-10?
  6. what do others think of your hygine?
  7. do you use deodorant?
  8. do you use body mist/perfume/axe?
  9. are your nails neat and trimmed?
  10. does dirt/oil ever fall/drip from your skin?
  11. do you ever have caked, dried snot on your upper lip?
  12. can you kill a plant / small child/ animal by breathing on it?
  13. do you hate feeling sticky?

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Quiz topic: How good is my hygine?