How good at Roblox DOORS are you!

In this quiz, you will be asked questions about Roblox DOORS. This quiz is recommended if you like DOORS, or you think you know about it at least a little. Try it and see how good YOU are at DOORS!

I really hope you enjoy the quiz! I worked pretty hard, and if you want to make one yourself, try it out! If you do not like your answer, redo the quiz.Again, hope you enjoy the quiz and have an awesome day!

Created by: Clara
  1. What are the items that provide light?
  2. How rare is Window in DOORS?
  3. What should you do when Ambush comes?
  4. What is the entity at door 50 and 100?
  5. What does the Crucifix do?
  6. Do you like DOORS?( won’t effect )
  7. Which two entities spawn inside of a wardrobe?
  8. What is one of the entities in Rooms?
  9. What answer are you expecting?
  10. What other mode in DOORS is available in private servers?

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Quiz topic: How good at Roblox DOORS am I!
