How Good Are You At Math?

There are many smart people in this world. Wether it is science, history, math, etc.,. So you know if you're a super math star. Now, let's see what you've got.

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Created by: Natalie Tomlinson
  1. What is PEMDAS?
  2. If T = 5, what is T2?
  3. Solve this problem. 1 + 7 - 3 x 9 Use The Order of Operations
  4. Becky wants to split 2 cookies among 4 friends equally. What portion(s) of Tue 2 cookies would the 4.friends have?
  5. What is "J"? 50 í· J = 25
  6. What is the prime factorization of 100?
  7. What is the volume of a rectangular prism that is 2 feet tall, 4² feet long, and 2² feet wide?
  8. How do you figure out the area of a triangle?
  9. True or False? 1/3 > 1/2
  10. 9 / 10 people recommend A special type of toothpaste to their friends. What percentage is that?

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Quiz topic: How Good am I At Math?