How girly are you?

How girly are you?I PROMISE I won't cheat or anything.If this is not acuarate,please inform me below.Also I'm only 9 so please do not use rude languadge or anything =P

........Not sure what to write here lol! Anyways please enjoy! Just gonna write randomly here,FVGDJISGZYHBXCXDHXBFGDBZVGDFBSXHDCHSHSHSSHHSHSHSHHSHSHSIFJDSMX

Created by: Jay♥

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. If you could have ANY 2 things and I mean ANY 2 things in the world,what would it be?
  2. If you could chose any pet of your choice,what would it be?♥
  3. what book sounds best?
  4. Okay,now which movie?
  5. What is your favorite colour from these?
  6. Wich magazine do you read?
  7. Which is your favourite TV show?
  8. What do you usally dream about?
  9. What pokemon do you like best?
  10. Which is best?

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Quiz topic: How girly am I?