How Gay Are You?

There are many gay people, but few trues, gay, after all, quite exceptional, what is a gay? someone with a cl;eve mind for fashion! well if u think u are up t thwe challenge, then go ahead

Are yougay? probably, because i think you are yay because i have pretty intense gaydar, like that one guy frofuturame, bender, yep,he knew that the cloud was gay,and he warned lleela, and she didnt screw him

Created by: Cardyn
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you Like Pink?
  2. How tight are your average clothes?
  3. how often do you say 'silly goose'
  4. how many guys have you kissed?
  5. Music?
  6. Do you like art?
  7. How many peurto rican friends do you have?
  8. who often do you find yourself renovating/decorating your house?
  9. Vacation destination?
  10. hairstylist?

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Quiz topic: How Gay am I?