How funny are you???

There are so many people in the world but only a few are funny.Wanna know if your one them?Well,this quiz is for you!So hope you like it.Mkye byerzzzz ;)

Are you funny? Do you have the ability to make people laugh?!Until now you could wonder.well thanks for this quiz!I. Just a minute you can find out..!

Created by: Ashley Nicole Lariba

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. You said a joke...And no one laughed ..what do you do???
  2. Do you hang out with jokerzz???
  3. Pick a number
  4. You hang out with:
  5. Are you corny?
  6. 1+1=
  7. You fell on the ground..And people laughed at
  8. Your crush teased you ugly..You:
  9. Hi
  10. Pick one
  11. Which dot\period do you think is lucky??
  12. If the guy you really hate tells you he loves you..what do you say???
  13. Mkye..bye...Last ques..are you funny??

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Quiz topic: How funny am I???