How Funny Are You?

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There are a lot of funny people out there in the world, but are you one of them? Are you able to make people smile and laugh with your amazing jokes?

Are YOU Funny? Are you the type of person to get a smile or laugh every time you share a joke with someone? Well then, you should take this quiz. It's worth a try!

Created by: ilovekittens
  1. Do your teachers laugh at your jokes during class?
  2. Do you make your best friends laugh, even if they are in a sad mood?
  3. Have you ever tried to make a mistake on purpose just to get a laugh? (fall out of a chair, pretend there is a bug and scream, yell loudly to someone, etc.)
  4. Describe how many times people laughed at you.
  5. What is your friend's expression when you walk up to him/her?
  6. Try to remember the last time you told someone a joke. How loud did the person laugh?
  7. Are you outgoing?
  8. Sorry, ran out of questions!
  9. I'll tell you a joke! :D
  10. I don't think this is going to make you laugh, but...whatever! What goes up but never goes down?

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Quiz topic: How Funny am I?