How Fat Are You?

Some people like fat people, and will not tell them they're fat. Some people are the exact opposite. If other people's opinions on how fat you are are widely spread, this quiz is for you!

This quiz aims to give you an accurate opinion on how fat you really are. However, remember, it's your choice how fat you are. Just because you're really fat does not mean you have to lose weight. The most important thing is that you're happy!

Created by: yoshidude123
  1. We'll start simple. What is your BMI?
  2. Since you're probably sitting down... Sit upright. Now look down, but don't bend over. What do you see? (Pick the closest one; any body part not on the list should be ignored.)
  3. Alright, stand up. Look down, without bending over. What do you see? (Same rules as last question.)
  4. Lie down (preferably on a bed!) Now look towards your feet, but don't bend your back. What do you see?
  5. How much do you eat?
  6. Time for exercise! Walk up some stairs (at least 10). How do you feel?
  7. Jump up and down. How much does your body jiggle?
  8. How much do you exercise?
  9. Slap your belly (not too hard though!) What happens?
  10. What do you think about your weight?

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Quiz topic: How Fat am I?

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