How Fascist are you?

Fascism is a complex ideology that features elements from many ideologies but is effectively the totalitarian synthesis of Syndical Socialism and Nationalism.

How Fascist are you. Are you a Anarcho-Communist Antifa SJW warrior or are you trying to keep communist blood off your black shirt uniform. Take his quiz to find out!

Created by: Sure_Bed
  1. The state should be
  2. The economy should be based on Unions (Syndicates/Corporations)
  3. Democracy is
  4. Marxism is good
  5. Capitalism is good
  6. We should implement protectionist policies on international trade
  7. I value my nations heritage and culture
  8. Immigration restrictions are
  9. I a a Socialist (Common ownership over the means of production)
  10. Which is better
  11. I want a strong state

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Quiz topic: How Fascist am I?