How face are you?

Thear are many cool peaple in this world, but only a few of theam are face. The peaple that contain this mistical power are veary rare. And for you geeks out thear, you may still be face. YOu do not need to be cool to be face.

Are YOU face? DO you contain the mystical power of face. Until now, you could not tell if you contained this power. If this quiz did not exist, you probebly would not know if you are face or not. Are you prpared to learn your fate? If you are, you can begin this quiz.

Created by: Alexander
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you know the muffen man?
  2. What does "face" meen?
  3. What is your favorite kind of bagle?
  4. Do you think Adam Sandler is gay?
  5. Do you like Final Fantisy?
  6. Do you like pokemon?
  7. what is your favorite food?
  8. What do your friends describe you as?
  9. hfdjsar
  10. Have you wached dumb as* mario or stick figurs on cra**?
  11. Did you like this quiz?
  12. Do you like foorball?

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Quiz topic: How face am I?