How Evil Are You?

Some people are allot more evil than others. Some people are not evi at all, no shame in that, while others are very evil. Evil people think only about themselves, while good people think about others.

Have YOU ever wanted to know how evil you are? Should you change who you are? Now is your chance to find out. This is version two of this quiz, an update of my prievious.

Created by: AZCardinalsFan
  1. You see your friend getting chased by a grizzly. You are armed with a pepper spray (not bear spray). What do you do?
  2. Someone bumps in to you. What do you do?
  3. What would you spend a large amount of money on?
  4. What is your hobby?
  5. What does someone have to do for you to kill them?
  6. What job sounds most appealing to you?
  7. You are driving along and you see a rabbit on the road. What do you do?
  8. Your friend dies. What is your reaction?
  9. You are caught stealing from the store what do you do?
  10. You notice somone stealing from the store. What do you do?
  11. You notice someone stealing from you. what do you do?
  12. Do you have friends? Why or why not?
  13. Continue.
  14. Lastly, how evil do you wsant to be?

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Quiz topic: How Evil am I?