How English are you?

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How English are you? Do you have the accent? The personality? The diet? The timing? The nationality? Do this quiz to find out if you are English enough.

Explore all the different areas of English culture and see if you do them. If not, these could be handful tips for how to become the ultimate Englishman / woman!

Created by: CottonCandyCat
  1. How do you eat your scones?
  2. How do you describe the English flag?
  3. You meet someone that you know in the street. You:
  4. How do the words 'feel' and 'fill' sound to you?
  5. At what time do you eat your dinner?
  6. What do you eat for breakfast?
  7. What do you feel like?
  8. How many times have you gone to England?
  9. What are your friends?
  10. Your family is:

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Quiz topic: How English am I?
