How dumb are you?

There are many dumb people but it's not a bad thing it just means that you might not get a better job than others. Some people are better at things than others and I bet you are better at thing 2 so don't stop beleiving in yourself!

Well done, I guess you passed! Thanks for taking the quiz now you know that you wont get bullied but don't be too nerdy and clever because you'll become a geek!

Created by: Mark of club penguin
(your link here more info)
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. If somebody asked you if you were hungry what would you say out of these?
  2. If somebody asked you if you thought you were funny would you say ...
  3. If thr coolest person walk up to you and says 'hey' what would you say back.
  4. If a teacher asks you a question what you know what do you do
  5. If a teacher asks you a question what you know what do you do
  6. Do you defend your self? ?
  7. Do you read?
  8. What does aka mean?
  9. Do you have a friend?
  10. What does hello mean in french and chineese?

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Quiz topic: How dumb am I?