How dumb are you?

there are many kinds of people. but most of them are in two groups. there are the idiots. these are the ones who dont know A-N-Y-T-H-I-N-G! then theres the smart ones. they know almost E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G!

Are YOU a DUMB COW? Do you have the stupid-brainpower to qualify for that prestigious title? Until now you could only wonder. But thanks to this great quiz, in just a few minutes you will find out!

Created by: sean
  1. 1+1+1=
  2. up=down. left=right. big=____
  3. if i have 10 apples in one hand and i have 15 in the other hand , what do i have?
  4. 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, __, __, __.
  5. cow-moo, sheep-baaa, dog-____
  6. click #2!
  7. QWERTY ASDFGH ______
  9. cow-farm. monkey-
  10. final question: spell the right answer backwards!

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Quiz topic: How dumb am I?