How cool you really are

Do you think you're the coolest person well than take this quiz and find out how cool you really freakin are um have a damn blast and see if you are really cool.

Are you stnkin damn cool than try to think again and see how popular or cool you are in this quiz the quiz will tell you how coolly beast you freakin are.

Created by: Martinez joey
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Are you extremely popular at you school, job etc.
  2. What thing or job would to rather be?
  3. What kind of boy/girl do you like?
  4. What would you rather be
  5. What kind of clothes do you wear
  6. How many boyfriends or girlfriends have you had?
  7. Did or do you like school
  8. What kind of stuff do you like?
  9. Right now what would you do?
  10. Did you like my nice as crap test err quiz

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