how cool will u look in dragon form

in some peoples minds they think dragons are real. there could be dragons and there might not. what are dragons well sully its a huge reptile that flys that could be alive.

Can u become the grand master of cool dragons well if u think so come on down and try the "how cool will u look in dragon form" quiz think smart on how to make your dragon self cool.

Created by: paul
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. how big do u want your wings to be?
  2. what colour would u want to be if u could chouse
  3. how big do u want to be
  4. how much eyes will u have
  5. if u could chouse what element u are then would u chouse...
  6. what will your name be
  7. how will u walk
  8. how will u live
  9. how strong will u be
  10. what will u hunt

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