How cool are you

There are so many people that are cool in the world. There are actors, leaders and nerds in the world that we live in. there some popular guys and some not so popular people. are one of those people.

So if want to know how cool you are then you're at the right place at the right time. So please enjoy this and have fun. But if you don't enjoy this then f--- off.

Created by: Drew
  1. Do you have friends
  2. What do you do for fun
  3. What kind of job do you have
  4. What kind of movies do you like
  5. What kind of friends do have
  6. How many sports do you play
  7. Do you do drugs
  8. whats favorite type of music
  9. Are you strait or curly
  10. Did you like this quiz

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Quiz topic: How cool am I