How cool are you!?

not many people are as cool as they think. this quiz shows if you are really cool. the key really is o be yourself. i have to say im not God shocker right. so i am not here to judge you but to have fun. hVING FUN IS THE KEYT TO COOLNESS IF YOU HAVE FUN AND DONT CARE WHAT PEOPLE THINK THEN YOUR COOL!!

What is cool. and i dont mean chilly6 or cold i mean cool as in slick. cool is being urself being happy not gay being sunny and having FUN. being cool is being yourself so if you think your cool then you are. dont be cool to fit in to a crowd. and dont be a poser

Created by: Julia
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. If you were in the car traveling to a place what would u do?
  2. Ok your at a party and bored you?
  3. If you were at your cousins house and you have never met them would you?
  4. what do u do in the shower?
  5. what do u do at the pool?
  6. whats your favorite color?
  7. do you dance
  8. are you emo?
  9. are you a leader?
  10. whats ur favorite animal
  11. did u like this :) its my 1st ever quiz?
  12. do u want me to make another quiz
  13. are you gonna comment please

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Quiz topic: How cool am I!?