How cool are you

Some people are cool, lets find out if you are one of those people. If you score well on this quiz you will be considered cool by me.... the coolest person on earth!!!!!!!!! Mwahahahaha GOOD LUCK

I bet that you think that you are cool, but now you need to find out if i think you are cool. You need to posses pure skill and determination and the ability to leap tall building in a single bound!

Created by: Taylor McDowell
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you tie your shoes
  2. Does your name sart with a letter after K
  3. When was the last time you ate a sandwich
  4. Can you count by 17
  5. What are the first 14 digits past the decimal of pi
  6. What colour hair to you have
  7. Are you in school while you are taking this quiz
  8. How would you say "hello my name is timmy" if you were in france
  9. How much have you eaten today
  10. Can you figure out the right answer (you will be cool)
  11. What do you think is the coolest emoticon
  12. Do you know someone named taylor

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Quiz topic: How cool am I