How cool are you?

Are you COOL? Find out if you are really that COOL. You will probably find that all is not what it seems. Have a fun time, and remeber your result doesnt mean anything. Or does it?

Are you to cool for school? Or to lame for the plane? Well are ya? Find out here, but dont take it seriously you may go mad? That may be funny. COOLNESS

Created by: Kirsty(:
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How many good friends do you have?
  2. Whats your faviriout animal?
  3. Do you own an email address?
  4. 2+2=
  5. Do you wear socks?
  6. Can you work a computer
  7. Are you steryotyped as:
  8. Do you know who ronald mcdonald is?
  9. Do you like music?
  10. Is this quiz cool?

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Quiz topic: How cool am I?