How Concited are you

There are some people that are concited because they have been told how beautiful they are since day one. There are also people that are concited on there own.They could think they have the looks and the personality and the money even, and very so often it can get out of hand and then things start to happen and people start to fued so being concited can have it advantages such as having self convidence and also it can have its disadvantages.

Are you concited to YOU believe that you are the most hottest, popular and richest of them all. Well this test can prove to you that you are or arent concited.

Created by: Isabel
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
  2. Do you stare at your self in the mirror alot
  3. When you look at your phone or camera how many pics do you have of yourself?
  4. Do you ever tell people there uglier then you
  5. Do you get embarresed hanging out with unpopular, fat or nerdy people?
  6. Do you think that you are more attractive then people that are around your age?
  7. Do you look in the mirror more then 10 times a day
  8. Would you ever go out of the house without your hair or make done?
  9. Do you call yourself fat when everyone else says that you are way skinny?
  10. Do you call yourself ugly or think that you are super hot

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Quiz topic: How Concited am I