How Chichester are you?

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All the questions here are very easy and everyone from Chichester should get at least %100 correct answers. If you don't, try living in one of the surrounding beautiful towns and villages.

If you achieve %100 well done. Be proud of yourself., very proud. Celebrate! Have a party and treat yourself to something special. You deserve it........

Created by: Gavin
  1. How many kebab shops are there in Chichester?
  2. When was the last time you got into a fight on a Saturday night?
  3. When did you last go out in Bognor?
  4. Which school did you go to?
  5. What is the name of the monument in the center of the city?
  6. How long does it take to walk from the Hole in the Wall to the Nags?
  7. What does the latin word noviomagus mean?
  8. How long does it take to walk from Thursdays to Chichester?
  9. What is a Alloteuthis subulata?
  10. Who was Cogidnubus?

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Quiz topic: How Chichester am I?