How British are you?

Briton... Briton... Briton... Are you a Briton, a Brit? Take the Test and find out... Briton... Briton... Briton... Are you a Briton, a Brit? Take the Test and find out...Briton... Briton... Briton... Are you a Briton, a Brit? Take the Test and find out...Briton... Briton... Briton... Are you a Briton, a Brit? Take the Test and find out...

Briton... Briton... Briton... Are you a Briton, a Brit? Take the Test and find out...Briton... Briton... Briton... Are you a Briton, a Brit? Take the Test and find out...Briton... Briton... Briton... Are you a Briton, a Brit? Take the Test and find out...Briton... Briton... Briton... Are you a Briton, a Brit? Take the Test and find out...

Created by: Julian of The Beachwood
(your link here more info)

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. A Bit of Fry and ...
  2. Daffyd who?
  3. Basil, Sybil, Manuel, chef and ...
  4. The sound of hoof beats...
  5. Eh Ehh...
  6. Vicar of...
  7. Little Britian by...
  8. Black adder goes...
  9. Brittas...
  10. We watch...

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Quiz topic: How British am I?