How big of a Saw fan are you?

There are alot of Saw fans out there but some people are bigger fans than others. Take this quiz to find out just how big of a fan you really are.

Are you a true Saw fan? Do you have the knowledge from all the films to call yourself a fan? You'll just have to find out by taking this short quiz. Good luck.

Created by: Brandon James Dostie
  1. Who portrays Amanda Young?
  2. Who portrays Detective Eric Matthews?
  3. Who portrays Jill Tuck?
  4. What device is most similar to the device Amanda Young wore on her head in the first Saw?
  5. Who helped with setting up the jigsaw murders\games after John Kramer died? (Not counting Amanda Young or Dr. Lawrence Gordon).
  6. What kind of saw does Dr. Lawrence Gordon use to cut off his foot in the first Saw film?
  7. In Saw VI (Saw 6) there are 6 people on the carousel trap/game. How many people live and how many people die from the carousel trap?
  8. In Saw II (Saw 2)who pushes Amanda Young into the pit of syringe needles in the Nerve Gas House in order to retrieve the key?
  9. In Saw III (Saw 3) who kills Amanda Young?
  10. In which of the 7 Saw films does John Kramer die?

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Quiz topic: How big of a Saw fan am I?