This quiz is for you to learn about the number one Artist in Oklahoma plus we want to see what you aready know and how long you been down with Flyboy's music

So do you think you have what it takes to be Flyboy's number one fan now if so then this is the quiz for you so get ready for some fly questions and I hope you got your facts down!!!

Created by: LUCKY of lucky
(your link here more info)
  1. What is the name of Flyboy's label?
  2. What other sites can you find out about Flyboy?
  3. What album are fans waiting for Flyboy to release?
  4. Where can you go to check out Flyboy videos?
  5. In Flyboy's career what awards has he been nominated for ?
  7. What event did Flyboy walk the Red Carpet for in 2007?
  8. What is the name of a song that had a music video that Flyboy was in?
  9. How old was Flyboy when he got his first "boom box" (radio)?
  10. What years did Flyboy hold the title of being Lawton, Oklahoma's #1 Urban DJ on K98 Jamz (Perry Broadcasting's KJMZ)?
  11. In the Talent Show at his elementary school in Harvey, Illinios.. What song did Flyboy get down to?

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Quiz topic: HOW BIG OF A FLYBOY FAN am I???