how "bad" are you?

There are some good people, and some bad...which group do you belong to? to be perfectly bad, you have to be...well...perfectly bad!!! and well, there are those super good people...what are they called? oh yeah, GOODIE-TWO SHOES. then there are the others...

Take this quiz to figure out just how bad you are!!! are you one of those people who really should be wearing a halo, or should you live "down there"? please answer honestly, at least the first time...

Created by: bunnylover
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. how often do u swear?
  2. do u tend to hurt people a lot?
  3. do u litter?
  4. if ur friend tells u a secret and asks u not to tell anyone, what do u do?
  5. ur friend hands u a cigarette. what do u do?
  6. ur mom tells u to clean ur room. what do u do?
  7. ur driving ur car (if u cant drive pretend u can) and u accidentally skim a
  8. ur younger sibiling hits u because...well whatever reason they do that. you...
  9. a homeless person walks up 2 u and asks 4 some cash. u...
  10. have u ever stole something from a store?
  11. did u like this quiz? (no effect)

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Quiz topic: How "bad" am I?