How awesome are you?

There are so many dopes out there. Are you a dope. Probably not. You are probably the best. Please take this amazing quiz. You are the best. You really are. Thanks.

Are you the best? Well you don't have to be the best to be great at something. Or do you? Are you the greatest. Being the greatest is not easy good luck. Thanks.

Created by: Serge
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you have a degree?
  2. Are you a straight A student?
  3. Do you make over 100k a year?
  4. Are you a boss?
  5. Are you an expert at anything?
  6. Are you a winner?
  7. Are you a loser?
  8. Have you ever won anything?
  9. Have you ever been in a cage fight?
  10. Have you ever been in a race?

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Quiz topic: How awesome am I?