How are You?in the future!

Can you pass this quiz,if you can this is the most hard quiz in the world,if you try it out and you get a big score then your awsome,so come on and try this quiz! >This is is not a scam and it will not need your adress.

Oh!Also if you get a big high socre i will want to tell your mom and dad!Not joking,this is the brain power game of all quizes,so come on!Lets play.Do not fool around,if you do it will change your score and thats not good.Please don`t lose.

Created by: Sonic
  1. Fill out the ___:I have 2 conis in Mario land A.K.A Mushroom kingdom and Luigi gives me ____ coins and i have 33.
  2. If you had a test and you did not take a practice test,what would you do?
  3. Anyway if you were driving and... *BAM!* a car hits you,what would you do?
  4. What happens when you run with a lollipop in your mouth?
  5. Ok,now you got to this,i am a sonic fan so who do i like...
  6. This is not a question but,is this ok?:Your trying to get a stick,so you get a rock the size of a computer,and thow it at the guy that has the it ok?
  7. A guy at the store: "Fine! just take the 100 $dollar$ toy!" You: "____" fill in the blank below.
  8. How do you play a video game?
  9. I`m bored...Z Z Z, say the things you would say if i was asleep.
  10. finish this:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11....223 224 225 ___...

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Quiz topic: How am I?in the future!