How [Anglo] Canadian are you?

There are very simplistic tests of how Canadian people are. This quiz is a more in-depth test to give one a truer assessment of how Canadian you are. More specifically, how Anglo-Canadian, because we all know the French-Canadian are a bit different. Note that some questions have more than one right answer.

There are three general types of true Canadians. English, French and First Nations. This test is designed to see how English (Anglo) Canadian you are.

Created by: HH Matthew Evans
  1. What are the three dominant parties in parliament?
  2. What is your national animal?
  3. What is the title of highest ranking authority of our country (our head of state)?
  4. In your opinion, what is the best sport to play and watch?
  5. In general,although not perfect, we take pride in having... (select best)
  6. What country/region do most Canadians have ancestral roots from?
  7. With respect to the USA, we are socio-politically more
  8. The flag flown to represent Canada during the second World War was...
  9. Finish this sentence: Man she's pretty hot...
  10. What is a hoser?
  11. Where is the capital of Canada?
  12. What are the basic provincial regions?
  13. Do you know who your MP is? Be honest.
  14. How do you pronounce Lieutenant?
  15. Pick the correct spelling:
  16. What is the correct way to pronounce process?
  17. Your relaxing beverage of choice?
  18. Most Canadian food combination:
  19. Answer by following hints in parentheses: Which ethnicity of Canadians contributed a fair amount (probably the most) to modern Canada, with their politics (first prime minister), inventions (telephone inventor), explorations (Alexander M_____) and health care formation (Tommy D_____)
  20. About two weeks prior to Remembrance day, do you wear anything special?
  21. What is each province famous for? Alberta, BC, Quebec Answer in the same respective Order
  22. Which province(s) officially speak French
  23. As of 2011, the general consensus of Canadians is:
  24. What is our Governor General?
  25. Which of the following do you consider great Canadian Heroes?
  26. Which Canadian Beer is brewed in Canada?
  27. It's sunny and slightly warm this weekend, ideally you would want to...
  28. Match the following: a. Tory b. Clear Grit c. Orange Coloured Party
  29. Which of the following personalities/groups are Canadian
  30. Which Magazine do you prefer?

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Quiz topic: How [Anglo] Canadian am I?