Horse Lover? Yes or No?

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Many people claim to be horse lovers, but are they really. What is a horse lover? A rider? Or are they something more...? A horse lover is a person who truly understands horses, and of course, loves them.

Are YOU a horse lover? Find out on this super cool quiz.. Are you in between... Do you actually like them? Maybe you think you do, but you might be wrong. Find out...

Created by: Cococo
  1. What do you think of horses?
  2. Do you ride, or want to?
  3. Do you care what breed the horse you ride is?
  4. Do you chatter endlessly with your friends about horses?
  5. Would you dump your boyfriend/girlfriend if he/she said to you: "Sell your horse or I'm going out with someone else" only because he dared to say the words sell your horse. Would you hit him/her in the head?
  6. Do you actually like this quiz?
  7. Do you talk to your horse ever?
  8. Is your room full of horse posters, photos?
  9. Do you trust horses
  10. Do you love horses

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